
Framework long-term FDI

Looking after investors can’t be an afterthought anymore. Aftercare is a key function to grow and retain foreign investors as well as an effective tool of local economic development.  This course dives into the  why, what and how of post-investment in general and how Aftercare is paving the way to long-term engagement with established foreign investors, providing them with a platform to amplify their positive contribution to the local economy.

The course will benefit:

  • IPAs/EDOs looking to provide Aftercare services.
  • Chambers of Commerce and sector associations who collaborate with the public sector in servicing foreign investors.
  • Central and local government officials keen to increase the return on investment of public funds used to attract investment.
  • Researchers and academics  looking to understand the whole investor life cycle.

Learning outcomes:

  • Develop an understanding of the last step of the investor’s journey.
  • Identify the 4 pillars of post-investment and how they support each other.
  • Learn best practices from around the world
  • And much more.

Aftercare is here to stay; the pandemic accelerated the adoption of this function and IPAs/EDOs recognise they can’t ignore looking after investors any longer. And those who have looked after investors for years will benefit from the latest research in the topic.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of FDI and / or work experience within the FDI sector.

Not Enrolled