Conflict is a by-product of human activity, including FDI. This course explores what the most common sources of investor discontent are, what can be done to manage conflict and avoid escalation, the different options investors have when it comes to taking investors to court, both nationally and internationally and best practices when it comes to setting up conflict management systems.
The course will benefit:
- IPAs/EDOs looking to minimise the risk of conflict with investors.
- Chambers of Commerce and sector associations who receive enquiries from investors on situations they are not happy about.
- Central and local government officials keen to understand investor discontent, how to improve public efficiency and how to save costs in investor dispute.
Learning outcomes:
- Be able to identify the most common sources of conflict.
- Understand the roadmap of a conflict and the role of the various stakeholders.
- Develop a conflict management plan.
- And much more
Difference of opinion don’t need to become sources of conflict and this course provides the framework of how to see investor conflict as a source of ongoing improvement to the local competitiveness.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of FDI and / or work experience within the FDI sector.